Advanced features of PawSense(TM)

PawSense's advanced features help you protect your computer flexibly:

    picking a sound
  • PawSense lets you choose whichever sound works best for your cat(s).

    recording sounds

  • PawSense even lets you record your own sounds.

  • Other configuration options are also included to help you make PawSense fit your individual needs.

  • Most human typing mistakes are OK. Pattern and timing analysis recognizes that human typing mistakes are different from cat typing.

  • PawSense knows that humans sometimes keep a key held down to type a particular character multiple times.... ('Typematic' mode is OK.)

  • If you have some strange application or game that requires you to hold down bizarre catlike key combinations like CONTROL-SHIFT-1-Q-TAB, you can configure PawSense to consistently ignore such combinations on particular keys.

  • Foreign languages are OK. When humans type foreign languages or rare words, humans still type like humans, not like cats.

  • Even if you use other methods to try to keep your cat off the computer keyboard, PawSense is a useful extra `fallback protection.' PawSense helps guard your computer even if your other anti-cat protections fail.

  • Supports Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8,and 10. (See Windows 8 details.) (See Windows 10 details.)

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